Thursday, February 19, 2009

i know i know...

I officially suck at this whole world of blogging. Its not that I want to suck at it, I just do. Garrett and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the st george temple on january 24th. It was so amazing! I am so grateful for my sister being there for me inside the temple, and I am SO grateful for my family who put together a wonderful luncheon for after the sealing. I was really emotional the day we were sealed. I don't know why, well I know why, but normally I don't get like that. True testimony builder.

I finally have a Belly shot. This is me at 16 weeks...

I am bigger now! I am 20 weeks on saturday. Half way done! I'm jealous that jenna is so cute. I hope hope HOPE I look cute like jenna when I'm 8 months pregnant. Or it will be one sad day...

I am working at Lava Ridge Intermediate School and Loving it! I only work two days a week (and every other friday) so Its nice to still be able to be at home as well. Garrett and I moved into a new house! its a 1400 sq ft town home and we have SO much extra room... And we put together our baby room :) Its really cute. Garrett was upset because now that we put the bassinet together he is baby hungry... Oh well :) Only 5 months to go love!

Can I even begin to tell you how much I miss having Coke?? I am dying! I drink caffiene free coca cola so I can overcome some of my addicting loving passion towards the soda but it is NOT the same. Just so everyone knows, as soon as I am done having this child, Someone better bring me a 64 oz coke with LOTS of ice to the hospital. . . .


Marci said...

haha that was my wish when i had kaylin was that some better have brought me a giant ice cold pepsi, and a hamberger and thats just what i got and I LOVED EVERY BIT AND SIP no GULP of it!!! i will bring you one ok!!

Jenna Marie said...

ahhh... You're so cute! :) Thanks Shisher